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Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Hate People... I Really, Really Do....

So, one of Jana's conditions for me leaving Savannah was that I had to get a job that would provide me sufficient ranting material. I do not disappoint. This rant is for you Jana ;)

But first, some back story: For those of you who missed the memo, I finally got a job! I'm the merchant teller for a bank I will henceforth refer to as "Meri". On my very second day of work at Meri, I found out that the banking center manager, RT, (whom I had only met during my interview), had been fired. While it totally sucked that RT had been fired, the words that came out of the Asst. Manager's mouth next made me want to run away screaming and to never ever come back. She told me that because we were now suddenly short-staffed that I would have to stand out in the lobby and be Lobby Leader and something else called the ATM Ambassador.

Being Lobby Leader is fairly simple-- you just greet the people that walk in the door and find out their needs. If they need to speak to a personal banker, just write their name down on the list and tell them to have a seat until their name is called. It was the ATM Ambassador part that had me cringing. I was going to have try and encourage every single person making a deposit to go outside and use our ATMs. In other words... I was going to have to "sell". MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!! And not only that-- I was going to have to do it for the next THREE DAYS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so being the ATM ambassador was actually not that bad. It still totally sucked balls, and I still totally hated it, and standing around for eight freakin' hours just waiting for people to walk in the door was horrible--- but since I was offering a service and not just trying to hard sell something, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But that was day one. Day 3 brought up a hiccup, and (sigh) an eventual 4th day brought on the assholes.

Part of the problem with making your deposit at the ATM is that only $100 is immediately available. Everything else would be available at midnight-- but only if you made your deposit before 5:30pm. If you made your deposit after 5:30pm, it wouldn't be there until the next business day at midnight-- which means if you made your deposit on Saturday at 6pm-- the rest of your money wouldn't be there until Monday at midnight.

So, not knowing what people's financial situations were, I always made sure every customer knew this before I had them make a deposit out at the ATM. Yes, it made making my goal that much harder, but it saved people from being pissed at me later-- because once the ATM deposit was made, that was it.

Day 3:

So, I had gone through my whole schpeel, and my customer didn't need his money right away, so the wait time wasn't an issue, and I was about to walk him outside to the ATM, when suddenly, a guy behind me in the teller line starts warning my customer about how the money won't be there right away and to be careful, etc!! I wanted to punch him in the face! I didn't ask for your opinion! UGH! He made it seem like I was pulling one over on the guy!! YOU WEREN'T EVEN FUCKING LISTENING! If you had been you would have known I'd already went over all of that!!!!! I'm not trying to trick people just so I can get ahead! SO MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!!

Day 4 actually came a week later. I was off training at a different branch for a whole week and I didn’t even have to look at the lobby once! (Note: Not only is this branch closer to where I live, I think it's a heck of a lot nicer too-- but it's also not as busy as my branch-- which can be a plus or a minus). Anyway, eventually, I had to go back to my own branch—and unfortunately, because the merchant teller was on vacation that week, for one more day I had to be the Lobby Leader and the ATM Ambassador, yet again.

Day 4 (Friday, June 19), Asshole No. 1:

So, it being Friday, the bank, of course, was totally busy the whole entire day. There were long lines for the tellers and the people waiting to speak to personal bankers were numerous too. One of Meri's policies is that if you are cashing a check and you do not have an account with Meri, you have to get your check approved first by a personal banker. Many people do not know this, and stand in the teller line only to find out they should have been standing in some other line this whole time. This does not make them happy. It makes them even more unhappy when I have to tell them they're probably going to have to wait for 20 minutes or more.

Most people either resign themselves to the fact that they'll have to wait, or they say that they'll come back some other time when it's not so busy... But not this guy. This guy complained about the wait the whole time he was standing there. He was very belligerant even though I flat out told him it was going to be a long wait. I had even told him he should go down to the nicer branch down the road!!! They were fully staffed and I had never once seen that place busy the entire week that I was there!!! But did this guy listen? No. He just wanted to stand around, be a pain in the ass, and make everyone feel uncomfortable. What a fucking dickweed. NO ONE WAS FORCING YOU TO STAND THERE YOU FUCKSHOT! IF YOU WERE SO FUCKING MISERABLE WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST LEAVE?!!? I couldn't have offered you any better customer service than I did, so there was no fucking reason for you to be such an asshole to me! It's not my fault you don't like our policies and can't accept that we're shortstaffed! I was upfront and honest with you!! It's not like I told you it was going to be a 5 minute wait and then it turned into 30! Not like you cared... You're just a miserable piece of shit and you don't care who's around to witness it.

Day 4 (Friday, June 19), Asshole No. 2:

So, as I said, the teller line was super long. But this actually works to the advantage of the ATM Ambassador. People making deposits who don't want to wait in line gladly jump at the chance to "cut ahead" and use the ATMs. So, I was doing my ATM thing, asking every customer that walked in the door if they were making deposits, when some guy in the teller line decided to be a jackass. In a really snotty tone, he said, "Why don't you open up a line instead of trying to get people to use the ATMs?"

I told him I would gladly if I knew how to, but I don't even think he was listening.. He'd already turned his back to me. WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!?!? YOU DON'T KNOW ME! YOU THINK I WANT TO STAND HERE AND BE FUCKING ATM AMBASSADOR?!!?!!? NO, I DON'T!!! BUT I HAVEN'T BEEN FUCKING TRAINED YET, SO I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE! YOU THINK IT'S SO SIMPLE?! WHAT A FUCKING JACKASSHOLE! Besides, honestly!? I couldn't have left the lobby. Banks don't need ATM Ambassadors, but they do need Lobby Leaders. The personal bankers can't run the show themselves! They'd never get anything done! So, whether you realize it or not, that's just how the show works, so just fucking deal with it.... Besides.... SERIOUSLY!?!?! You're the one who came to the fucking bank on a FRIDAY. And you didn't think it was going to be busy!?!?!?!?! Stop being mad at me and go be mad at yourself! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

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