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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reading Is Fundamental

You know.. the library's great and all.. but why can't they have a section called "Books Leah Would Like"??? That would just make it so much easier...

Going to the library just isn't as much fun as going to the bookstore. At the bookstore the books are all new and glossy and shiny! The library's books are all old and dusty... and used.

The bookstore tells me what I should be reading by telling me: What's new! What the bestsellers are! And they stick tables of books in the middle of the aisle so that when I trip over them, I'll be forced to look at them! The library uses the Dewey Decimal System. (Yawn)

You can talk in a bookstore! You have to be Shhhhhh! at the library.

Normal people hang out at the bookstore! Homeless people and delinquents hang out at the library... (I'm sorry, but it's true).

The bookstore always has the brand new book I want! Ugh! All the copies of that new book I want are already checked out at the library!

Ah, but alas, it costs money to go to the bookstore... It's free to go to the library ;)

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