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Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Decision.

SIGH. I have a dilemma. So.. I've been wanting to move my blog away from MySpace for awhile now because I don't use it anymore and I know a lot of my friends don't use it anymore either.. My problem is... Out of all the other sites I've looked at to move my blog to... I still like MySpace the best.. SIGH.

MySpace isn't perfect but what can I say? MySpace just has a lot of features that the other sites don't. MySpace is the ONLY site that tells me how many people viewed my blog today/this week. It's also one of the few that lets me make individual blogs private or lets me tell you what I'm reading, watching, or listening to. It even lets me tell you how I'm feeling and gives you a little emoticon to go with it.... Granted, the emoticons don't always match up exactly, but I can live with that.

What I can't live with are sites that don't let me make posts private!! (I don't need to be sharing ALL of my business!!) Or sites with crappy layouts!! And gosh darn it! I really like knowing how many people viewed my blog! Although.. sometimes it just makes me bitter... like, when I ask a question, and then nobody answers it... even though I can clearly see that at least 10 people read the blog... WTF readers? wtf. I know part of this is going to be because if you don't have MySpace, you're not going to be able to comment on my MySpace blog... But I know most of you have Facebook.. or my email address or my cell phone number... And who doesn't know how to text these days? There are ways to share people. There are ways to share.

Anyway, after much mulling... I finally remembered something! And that made my decision of what to do with my blog a lot easier.

I'm leaving my blog right where it is. Sure, I'd love to be able to move away from MySpace.. but for now, it's still the best place for me and my readers.

(I remembered that I'd set my MySpace profile to private-- and that's what was preventing any non-MySpacers from viewing my blog. So, I've set it back to public-- and now when Facebook imports my blog-- when you click on "View Original Post" it'll take you straight to the source, no problem).

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