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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


TW is the branch manager of the bank that I work at. TW and I are the same age. TW has no idea what the fuck he is doing. Ummmm, I'm sorry.. when you agree to become the BRANCH MANAGER of a fucking bank, I expect you to know WHAT THE FUCK is going on, so that, when I, a brand new teller, have a problem, I can come to you, and you know the answer. You should not have to tell me, go ask JS, (the assistant manager).

When RT, the old branch manager, left the bank and the branch manager position suddenly came open, JS was actually smart enough to realize that she wasn't ready to take on the branch manager position... and I respect her for that... TW, on the other hand, was not so smart. Which is crazy because JS KNOWS SO MUCH MORE THAN TW!!!! I don't get it!! How did one person who knows so much realize she wasn't ready, and yet the other who knows so little think, Yeah! Let's do this! And how the fuck did he get hired?!?! Who interviewed him?!

I may be making this up, but if I'm not mistaken, I overheard JS say that the only reason he got hired is because he was the most qualified out of all the other candidates. Sigh... I don't know.. The month that we didn't have a branch manager sucked... but at the same time... I think I would rather have gone through more suckiness if they could have just waited and gotten the right person for the job.

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